Membership Registration

ASA Membership
Who Can Join?
Membership of the Asian Society of Arachnology (ASA) is open to the public, general naturalists, hobbyists, and researchers so long as they are interested in the study of Asian spiders, ticks, mites, scorpions, harvestmen, pseudoscorpions, whip spiders, and other arachnids.
All Are Welcome
We welcome members from all over the world, not Asian countries alone.
Membership is Free
For the moment, there is no registration nor subscription fee with no membership expiry.
Find Arachnologists
Find fellow arachnologists and enthusiasts on our member registry.

ASA Membership
Membership Benefits
Only registered members will be have access to the following.
- Unpublished papers delivered at ASA conferences.
- Bibliographic alerts to newly published non-taxonomic papers (not available at WSC), with links to open-access material.
- Access to the names and email addresses of all registered members.
- Eligible to vote to elect the ASA Council.
- Eligible to stand for election to the ASA Council.