Archetypes of the jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae) as derived by intelligent machines
Jumping Spider Images Generated by Machine Intelligence
David Hill considers the possibility that a new generation of intelligent machines capable of generating images based on a text input (text to image), recently made accessible to the public, can help us to understand the nature of the salticid archetype of salticid spiders. For purposes of this study, a series of images were obtained by presenting a simple text message (usually jumping spider, highly detailed) multiple times to each of a series of computer systems (engines) that have the ability to convert text statements to images. A diverse set of images was produced as a result.
Jumping Spider Images Generated by Machine Intelligence
David Hill considers the possibility that a new generation of intelligent machines capable of generating images based on a text input (text to image), recently made accessible to the public, can help us to understand the nature of the salticid archetype of salticid spiders. For purposes of this study, a series of images were obtained by presenting a simple text message (usually jumping spider, highly detailed) multiple times to each of a series of computer systems (engines) that have the ability to convert text statements to images. A diverse set of images was produced as a result.