American Arachnology Society Meeting 2023
AAS Meeting 2023
Come to the 2023 American Arachnology Meetings
The annual meeting of the American Arachnology Society will be held at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York from 25 – 29 June 2023.
Ithaca is in the ‘gorges’ Finger Lakes region of Upstate NY in a scenic rural area with moderate summer temperatures. And gorgeous T-shirts.
Our keynote speakers are Dr. Daiqin Li (National University of Singapore), Dr. Hannah Wood (Smithsonian -National Museum of Natural History), and another guest speaker. Currently symposia include: 1. Ecology of parasites and parasitoids of arachnids, 2. Sensory Ecology, 3. Quantitative behavioral analysis, as well as others under discussion. We encourage more symposia. Participants may stay in new dormitories on campus near a wooded lake. Help us plan for this year’s meeting! Early registration will open in late April. Everyone is welcome!
Meeting organizers are Dr. Linda S. Rayor, Cornell University, and Dr. Matthias Foellmer, Adelphi University.
Become a AAS member and save on registration.
Contact: [email protected]
Meeting Website:
Premeeting Survey:

5 Symposia
3 Keynote Speakers
150 Waterfalls
1 Sustainable Meeting
2023 American Arachnology Meetings Registration and Abstract Submission Now Open!
Abstracts Due – 5 June.
Registration – Early bird rates until 5 June; Late Registration until 17 June.
Sunday, 25 June – Late afternoon reception, Optional parasite workshop, Executive Committee Meeting.
Monday, 26 June through Wednesday, 28 June – Oral and Poster Presentations, Symposia, Wednesday Banquet (included in registration fee).
Thursday, 29 June – Optional waterfall and hiking tour with lunch.
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Daiqin Li (National University of Singapore),
Dr. Hannah Wood (Smithsonian – National Museum of Natural History)
Mystery keynote speaker…
Five Symposia:
1. Ecology of arachnid parasites and parasitoids
2. Sensory Ecology
3. Behavior and Machine Learning
4. Evolutionary Trends in the Arachnid Tree of Life
5. Chronobiology
Optional Premeeting Workshop:
Parasites & Parasitoids in Arachnids by Nick Keiser for 2.5 hrs on Sunday afternoon, 25 June. Space limited to first 30 participants who register.
In new dormitories next to a diverse dining hall. Dormitories are a 10 to 15-minute wooded walk across or around a small lake to a staircase to the lecture hall. There are buses from the dorms onto campus and into town. Two hotels with shuttles to campus are in downtown Ithaca.
Meeting Website:
Registration Form:
Abstract Submission:
Contact: [email protected]