
History of ASA

Asian Society of Arachnology

The Asian Society of Arachnology was founded in 2012 at a meeting in Laos. Since then, members have met regularly, communicated via various groups like Facebook and WeChat, and hosted a website. What was still missing was a logo.

After a competition in 2020, a logo was selected by the ASA Council, the past and present presidents and co-founders out of various proposals. Here is a short story, about how the logo was designed.

A spider should indicate at the first sight what kind of Society it is. Liphistius is an iconic spider genus, occurring exclusively in Asia and representing the oldest known extant spider lineage. The arrangement of the letters covers roughly the shape of Asia. The “S” standing for SOCIETY links the two “A”s, stressing the importance of the connection and communication between members. The last “A” for ARACHNOLOGY is the largest letter since this is the topic that unites us all. Moreover, it is situated in the tropics where the largest arachno-diversity exists.

Asian Society of Arachnology Facebook Group

5th ASA President: Prof. Shichang ZHANG

President's Message

The Asian Society of Arachnology is a testament to our shared passion for arachnology and our collective efforts to advance our understanding of these remarkable creatures.

We find ourselves at a pivotal moment in the field of arachnology because every field of biology develops very fast, for example, the techniques of multi-omics have been widely applied. We may take the opportunity to elevate our research, enhance our collaboration, and foster a deeper appreciation for spiders and their relatives.

This society thrives on the contributions of its members, and I invite you to engage actively in our programs and discussions. Together, we can make a lasting impact on our field.

Let us move forward with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a shared commitment to advancing arachnology. Let’s make arachnology great again!

Registration for the 9th Asian Conference of Arachnology is open. Register now.

History of ASA

Asian Society of Arachnology

The Asian Society of Arachnology was founded in 2012 at a meeting in Laos. Since then, members have met regularly, communicated via various groups like Facebook and WeChat, and hosted a website. What was still missing was a logo.

After a competition in 2020, a logo was selected by the ASA Council, the past and present presidents and co-founders out of various proposals. Here is a short story, about how the logo was designed.

A spider should indicate at the first sight what kind of Society it is. Liphistius is an iconic spider genus, occurring exclusively in Asia and representing the oldest known extant spider lineage. The arrangement of the letters covers roughly the shape of Asia. The “S” standing for SOCIETY links the two “A”s, stressing the importance of the connection and communication between members. The last “A” for ARACHNOLOGY is the largest letter since this is the topic that unites us all. Moreover, it is situated in the tropics where the largest arachno-diversity exists.

Asian Society of Arachnology Facebook Group

5th ASA President: Prof. Shichang ZHANG

President's Message

The Asian Society of Arachnology is a testament to our shared passion for arachnology and our collective efforts to advance our understanding of these remarkable creatures.

We find ourselves at a pivotal moment in the field of arachnology because every field of biology develops very fast, for example, the techniques of multi-omics have been widely applied. We may take the opportunity to elevate our research, enhance our collaboration, and foster a deeper appreciation for spiders and their relatives.

This society thrives on the contributions of its members, and I invite you to engage actively in our programs and discussions. Together, we can make a lasting impact on our field.

Let us move forward with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a shared commitment to advancing arachnology. Let’s make arachnology great again!